Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Did you know there is a large market for such an object as this?

So, for this "little" project, I:
                                            -Laid a base of white Gouache on the playing card
                                            -Penciled in the "Thief" guy
                                            -Inked it
                                            -Rendered with some crappy markers 

I learned that this can be done quite fast. This is my first try
and I finished in 45 minutes. With some practice and technique
I will speed these up and start hitting up gatherings.

(ps: this is a "WOW" playing card, not "Magic" one.
Magic is what I'd like to alter, all I had was a "WOW"
card... My bad)

Crazy when you forget about projects you've worked on.
Did the illustration/animation for this music video. I had the help of the ever so talented Nick Flook.
 Check out Nick @ www.Flookfx.com

Band/The Creepshow  Song/Take My Hand  Director/Davin Black
Work in Progress
Here is a sneak peak of my recent strip- Can anybody guess where these characters are from?


This project is purely for practice. The task is starting and finishing all in Photoshop.
Trying to focus on composition, lighting, line weight and finishing touches. 
I Still have a ways to go.

Some 2-point perspective sketches thrown into Photoshop.